The result of the data showed that the use of crossword puzzle technique was able to improve the students' vocabulary mastery. Based on the qualitative data, most of the students were active in learning activities and they could memorize the vocabulary. It could be seen from the students' ...
The purpose of this research was to describe the procedures of using crossword puzzle to improve vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of SD N Golo.The design of this research was an action research. The research consisted of two cycles. The subject of the study was the fifth grade...
These 3rd Grade Math Crossword Puzzles cover key Common Core Math Vocabulary that every 3rd grader needs to know and master.
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Students will identify the spelling word in each sentence and decide whether it is spelled correctly. If it is misspelled, they will write the correct spelling on the line provided. An answer key is included with this printable spelling activity. 4th Grade Crossword Puzzle (D-16) Your studen...
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PDF Slide Grade s 2 - 5 Plus Plan All About Nouns Worksheet Identify different types of nouns in sentences, and write sentences containing each kind of noun. PDF Slide Grade s 2 - 4 Plus Plan Proper Nouns Crossword Puzzle - Worksheet A crossword researching different proper nouns...
Circle misspelled word in each sentence. Spell the words correctly on the lines provided. 4th Grade Crossword (D-22) Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled different. Use the clues to find the right words to solve this spelling crossword puzzle. ...
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Solving equations with restrictions on x, accelerated algebra II crossword puzzle, algebra ks3, factoring with three variables help. Printable graphing calculator, Convert Decimal to fraction without calculator, linear equations solvers for two variables. ...