1. The colors graded gradually from orange to yellow. 这些颜色逐渐地从橙色变成黄色。 名词 1. grade 1. He received a failing grade on the term paper. 他的期末报告不及格。 2. 2. The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall. 这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。grade 情景对话 Spelling-(...
按级分类或分等 The potatoes are graded by/according to size. 马铃薯按大小分等级. Eggs are graded from small to extra-large. 鸡蛋从小的到特大的分成了等级. 2 [Tn, Cn.n] (esp US) mark (written work); give (a student) a mark 给(书面作业)评分; 给(学生)分数 The term papers have ...
Florida Edition-Algebra 1 test free games for ti84 calculator in an arithmetic sequence,each term is found by (adding,multiplying)the same number to the previous term filetype: ppt middle school education print fre ged math nc + printable + practice + ged solving quadratic equations us...
1、grade是可数名词,基本意思是“等级”,可用于产品质量、官阶、学位、技巧水平等。grade在美式英语中,用以指(中小学的)“年级”,相当于英式英语中的form和standard。2、在美国grade可表示“评分的等级”,常接A、B、C或1,2,3等作同位语。the grades还可指“小学”。六、例句:1. The boy first s...
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