As Grade 9 students, we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam. Every day we have a large number of exercises to do and too many 1 to take. Some of us feel upset, and some even lose heart. But we'll not help 2 if we lose heart. There's a saying, "Difficulty is like...
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As Grade 9 students, we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam. Every day we have a large number of exercises to do and too many 16 to take. Some of us feel upset, and some even lose heart. But we'll not help 17if we lose heart. There's a saying,“Difficulty is like ...
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As Grade 9 students,we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam.Every day we have lots of exercises to do and many ___to take .Some of us feel upset,and some even lose heart.But we’ll not help ___if we lose heart. There’s a saying ,”Difficulty is like a spring(弹簧)...
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1.【26题详解】根据前句“Whether it’s a first grade test or College Entrance Exam, all tests have one thing in common: you have to pass.”可知,此处说的是通过考试,选项C“从长远来看,考试失败对你有害,所以知道如何为通过考试做准备是很重要的”符合语境。故正确答案为C。2.【27题详解】根据前...
As Grade 9 students,we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam.Every day we have lots of exercises to do and many ___to take .Some of us feel upset,and some even lose heart.But we’ll not help ___if we lose heart. There’s a saying ,”Difficulty is like a spring(弹簧)...
As Grade 9 students,we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam.Every day we have lots of exercises to do and many ___to take .Some of us feel upset,and some even lose heart.But we’ll not help ___if we lose heart. There’s a saying ,”Difficulty is like a spring(弹簧)...