Journal of the Southern African Association for Research in MathematicsSamson D. & Morongwe D. A. (2013). Continous assessment results versus end of year examination marks in grade 10 Mathematics in Namibia: The statistics and teachers'n opinion. Afr. J. Res. Math., Sci. Technol. Educ. ...
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This study aimed to elucidate possible similarities and differences in early predictors of reading and math in First and Fourth Grade. Participants were 110 4-year-old Icelandic children (mean age 55.7 months, 49% girls) who were assessed on literacy and self-regulation in preschool and their pe...
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Problem Solving & Statistics/Probability for 4 Jody has a bag filled with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. She takes one out, writes down the name of the coin, and puts it back. She does this seven times. Here is her record. 1. nickel 2. dime 3. dime 4. penny 5. dime 6...
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On the other hand, in previous RCT studies using the ConectaIdeas platform with low-SES fourth graders, we have found that the length of the responses to open-ended questions has a significant and positive effect on end-of-year learning in math (Araya and Diaz 2020). Research question: To...
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