multiple exposures, and multiple modalities needed to transfer words into long-term memory from our fun, engaging second grade spelling activities. VocabularySpellingCity’s second grade spelling lists, including 2nd grade sight word lists and more, power our games to make learning fun and valuable!
2) Help your students prepare before any spelling bee.Use some of myspelling gamesandpractice ideas 3) Be sure to use our 2nd grade spelling bee words in sentencesduring the spelling bee. This is important withevery word,but especially as the words become hard. 4)Be sure students understand...
Download and print an entire 1st grade spelling curriculum. Each unit includes free word lists, worksheets, and puzzles. This series has 30 phonics-based units. has closed. We’ve appreciated your patronage over the years and even though we’re saying goodbye to Grade Spelling, you can find an updated and improved online spelling and vocabulary curriculum program Explore our activities (demo lessons) and see why studen...
Master 2nd Grade Spelling List Master Spelling List for all weeks Week 1 Word List Week 1 Spelling Words (List B-1): Sight words, r-controlled “a” and academic vocabulary Week 2 Word List Week 2 Spelling Words (List B-2): Sight words, -ai- pattern, and academic vocabulary Week 3 ...
Second grade spelling unit B-3 has worksheets, activities, and test templates. The word list features short-i words, such as kick, flip, and did.
This is the second grade spelling worksheets section. Most words that second grade students can understand contain one or two syllables. It is important for students at an early age to practice their spelling from word family and sight word lists.
What Words Go On 5th Grade Spelling Lists During fifth grade, students refine their literacy skills in preparation for middle school. In fifth grade,students are expected to: Increase word usage and knowledge. Discuss books, articles, and short stories. ...
Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched...
2nd Grade Spelling Lists- First 9 Weeks (1-8) Printable Word Lists Click to View Week 1 Spelling List Short a and short i words like, fix, rid, win, this, and cat Click to View Week 2 Spelling List Short e, short o, short u words like plum, yes, jog, job, belt, melt ...