mark equivalent是将新(9-1)、旧(A*-G)GCSE评分制进行比较的一种方法。它不影响你的成绩,也不是同一科目的另一个成绩。它的引入是为了方便大家来理解成绩。AQA考试局将4称为“standard pass”,将5称为“strong pass”。mark equivalent不是“standard pass”或“strong pass”的描述符,它实际上是新数字...
“have two GCSEs at grade C or above(or equivalent)”的意思是“有两门GCSE课程的成绩,且在C等或C等以上(或相当于这一成绩)”。GCSE的英文全称是General Certificate of Secondary Education,中文译为普通中等教育证书,是英国学生完成第一阶段中等教育所参加的主要会考。GCSE课程的科目分为必修课和选修课两种...
Define Grade 4. Grade 4 synonyms, Grade 4 pronunciation, Grade 4 translation, English dictionary definition of Grade 4. n the fourth year of school, when children are nine or ten years old ˌfourth-ˈgrader n Collins English Dictionary – Complete an
托福TOEFL 取得550分成績(電腦形式測驗分數為213,網上形式測驗分數為80);或 英國GCSE英國語文科取得C級成績;或同等學歷。 [...] Language taken in 2006 or before should beatGradeEorabove in SyllabusB/GradeCorabove in Syllabus A];OREquivalent. ...
the HKCEE PLUS Level 2 / Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language, or equivalent. 香港中學會考 3 科合格及中國語文及英國語文考獲第 2級 / E 級或以上成績,或同等學歷。 It also broadened the scope of the policy to include all staff members at...
Grade 9 is considered higher than an A* and roughly the top 20% of GCSE students who achieve a grade 7 or above will achieve a grade 9. The new GCSE grading system Grade 9, Grade 8 and Grade 7 are equivalent to the old Grades A* and A. Grade 6, Grade 5 and Grade 4 are ...
applicantsarerequiredtohavetwogcsesatgradecorabove(orequivalent)includingenglishlanguageandpreferablysomeexperienceinadministration.candidatesmusthave 查看答案 directions:therearetenblanksinthefollowingpassage.youarerequiredtochoosethebestonefromthegivenfourchoicesmarkeda,b,c,andd.thenwritedownthecorrectanswerinthe...
Byline: Laura Clark Education CorrespondentDaily Mail (London)
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an English language based examination similar to GCSE and is recognized in the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. ...
Applicants are required to have two GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent)including English Language and preferably some experience in administration.Candidates must have外语类单选题,商务英语单选题