In carrier multiplication, the absorption of a single photon results in two or more electron–hole pairs. Quantum dots are promising materials for implementing carrier multiplication principles in real-life technologies. So far, however, most of research
The resulting momentum continually grows to a very high level, with contributions from the thermal and solutal buoyancy forces. The temperature distribution may be more concentrated by raising both the heat source parameter and the quantity of radiation. When one of the parameters for the chemical ...
Versions Notes Abstract In this work it is proven that the governing equations for the fluid velocity and non-trivial shear stress corresponding to some isothermal MHD unidirectional motions of incompressible second-grade fluids through a porous medium have identical forms. This important remark is us...
Versions Notes Abstract In this work it is proven that the governing equations for the fluid velocity and non-trivial shear stress corresponding to some isothermal MHD unidirectional motions of incompressible second-grade fluids through a porous medium have identical forms. This important remark is us...
Versions Notes Abstract Chemical reaction in mixed convection magnetohydrodynamic second grade nanoliquid thin film flow through a porous medium containing nanoparticles and gyrotactic microorganisms is considered with entropy generation. The stratification phenomena, heat and mass transfer simultaneously take ...
The learning rate is set to 0.0001, and the momentum is set to 0.9. The configuration of the learning rate for different epochs was varied using CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts scheduler of the optim package in PyTorch. On a single GPU unit, images were fed into the model having a batch size ...