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(2008). Battlegrounds for control: A critical review of the Ontario grade 1-8 science curriculum. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 8(2), 169-187.Malekan, M. (2008). Battlegrounds for control: A critical review of the Ontario grade 1-8 science curriculum. ...
Studied the match between the Ontario (Canada) eighth grade curriculum for 1997 and the item pool of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and analyzed the matching process itself. Findings show that the 1997 curriculum is a better match to the TIMSS item pool, achieving...
Investigating Holocaust portrayal; a case study in a grade ten Ontario social studies course curriculum and advised textbookMaya Gal
Malekan, M. (2008). Battlegrounds for control: A critical review of the Ontario grade 1-8 science curriculum. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 8(2), 169-187.Malekan, M. (2008). Battlegrounds for control: A critical review of the Ontario grade 1-8 ...
Through document analysis, this chapter critically analyses the language, ideologies, and conceptual frameworks in the 2013 revised Social Studies curriculum in Ontario, Canada with a focus on the Grade 6 content. The analysis is guided by two central questions: (1) how is citizenship defined and...
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