Kids and teachers loveSketchnotes! Rather than writing out definitions, have students draw a sketch that sums up each word instead. It’s a lot more fun and gives kids an image for visual association to help them remember the meanings. Learn more:Sketchnotes Reading and Writing Haven 12. Bu...
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A.who are interested in ancient poems B.who want to be top in the schoolC.who are ready to enter the high school D.who like sharing learning experience29.Which is the right order about how Yan Zuhuai and his friends completed the textbook ①He put all of his notes together but found...
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RL.3.5 - Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections. RL.3.1 RI.3.1- Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, r...
From the time I was in the third grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. After winning the first prize (奖) for my story, I spent much of my free time___wild stories of strange living animals, kids’ fun experiences and poems of___I felt about my world. In the fourth grade, ...
12 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Common Core ©2014, Grade 4 correlated to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Grade 4 Standard W.4.1 W.4.1a W.4.1b W.4.1c Descriptor Key Citations (Teacher Editions) Additional Practice and Student...
12. What does the underlined word “fidgeting” in paragraph 2 mean A. Showing interest in class. B. Doing something useful. C. Keep moving the body. D. Taking notes carefully. 13. Who paid for the cycling machines A. The school. B The students. C. Some nice people. D. Some compan...