you become the focus of a very specific interest. You may fascinate and attract the people who want to try them on or, to the contrary, repulse people who fear being stripped of their privacy. Yet, while it is true that some new technologies may generate apprehension, or even outright ...
As distance becomes meaningless, white-collar clerical, accounting or administrative jobs are being exported to Asia, just as blue-collar factory jobs were years ago.S3: Imagine, there are 40 or 50 million Indians, not to mention the Chinese, who could deliver office work to the rich countries...
Review of low-grade gliomas in children—evolving molecular era and therapeutic insights Article Introduction Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are the most frequent solid tumors in children, with approximately 5.4-5.6 diagnoses per 100,000 [48,154,155]. Of those diagnosed, 0.7 per 100...
When probes that detect clusters of contiguous CpGs were used, 1,408 out of 17,847 clusters of CpG regions were significantly different (accounting for multiple comparisons: p-value < 10−4), with each cluster having an average size of 0.21 Kb. These contiguous clusters, or “shoreline...
[154,155,168]. Within this group, pediatric-type low-grade gliomas (pLGG) are the most frequent, accounting for approximately 30% of all childhood brain tumors [154,155]. pLGG are defined as World Health Organization (WHO) grade I or II malignancies and encompass a wide array of ...
general pain (27.5 mg after accounting for BU), we can achieve almost half of that dose with the 3CHI3DCF-coated sample, when considering release from the whole artificial hip. In our opinion, this is already an encouraging result, since we can possibly further increase the incorporated ...
12.Vision about Information Society and Informatization in China;我国对信息社会的认识及信息化实践 13.On the Accounting Goal Under Accounting Information Production Socialization Condition;论会计信息生产社会化下的会计目标 14.Socialization of Library Literature and Information under the Conditions of the Indus...
and do not have the ability to produce high-end clothing; Kyrgyzstan garment processing industry is relatively developed, the annual output value is 1-1.5 billion, accounting for 6% of the total industrial output value, clothing in the export structure of the third place, mainly exported to Russ...
Grade 3 follicular lymphoma (FL3) is a relatively common lymphoma accounting for 6.4% of all NHL and 29% of all FL using the new WHO classification criteria [23]. Although FL1 and FL2 are generally considered to have an indolent behaviour [5], the clinical course of FL3 is a subject...
Accepted:2010—12—28 ◎NortheastForestryUniversityandSpringer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2011 Abstract:Rootlengthandrootlen~hdensityofLespedezabicolor, Amorphafruticosa,andSeabuck~omwereinvestigatedinacountry highway—TongSanhighway(TongjiangtoSaWa1inHeilongjiangProv— ...