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It had a small sample size, exclusively female participants, and a lack of long-term follow-up. While generalization to the wider population should be approached with caution, the study's findings still contribute to a broader understanding of the potential benefits of the interventions within ...
National support for the scaling of technology and the potential use of artificial intelligence to aid clinical decision making has been outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan62. Conclusion Our systematic review and meta-analysis found DWI and DSC-MRI to have the highest diagnostic accuracy for ...
Conclusions Among women undergoing cervical cancer screening, the use of primary HPV testing compared with cytology testing resulted in a significantly lower likelihood of CIN3+ at 48 months. Further research is needed to understand long-term clinical outcomes as well as cost-effectiveness. Back to ...
Long Term Trends The above graphs represent averages. What about grade changes over the last fifty years at individual institutions? I can show those changes at most schools in our database. The figure below shows the amount of GPA rise for all schools where we have current data at least ...
should have no written exams.Also,students in other grades at primary schools should only have one final exam for every term.Middle schools are allowed to organize one test in the middle of the term and o...
DANM's in-built IPAM to CNIs DANM delegates operations to. Fakeipam binary should be placed into kubelet's configured CNI plugin directory, next to danm. Fakeipam is a temporary solution, the long-term aim is to separate DANM's IPAM component into a full-fledged, standalone IPAM solution....
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