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6th Grade Practice Test Objective 1.1 1. Dale used these steps to form a number pattern. 1. The first term is 3. 2. The second term is 5. 3. Each term after the second is the sum of the two terms just before it. The first five terms in Dale’s pattern are the following. ...
【1】Backward walking can___ according to the passage.A. improve the memory in the long term B. improve the memory in the short termC. cause much more pain in our knees D. force the brain to think in the same way【2】Which one is the correct order of the following according...
Name: Martin Lee School: New Star High School Grade: 8 Term ending: 6th June Maths He is very hard working. But the ways of learning need improving. Science He can work out many difficulties but sometimes is a
Term ending: 1 July Subjects: Chinese: He is a little weak in it, but he is trying his best all the time. Maths: He can work out many difficult problems. But he is someitmes careless. English: He is the best in the class. Keep it. ...