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Nelson, J. Warfield (Eds.), Beyond classical pedagogy: Teaching elementary school mathematics, Erlbaum (2001), pp. 75-93 Google Scholar Sherin, 2004 M.G. Sherin New perspectives on the role of video in teacher education J. Brophy (Ed.), Using video in teacher education, Elsevier (2004),...
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However, the relationship between genetics of height and of cholesterol in Nelson's report was not previously established, and the height-to-cholesterol relationship has only been considered in a few papers. In our report, we confirm that this relationship can be observed in fifth-grade children ...
Nelson, E. A. et al. Nifuroxazide inhibits survival of multiple myeloma cells by directly inhibiting STAT3. Blood 112, 5095–5102 (2008). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lin, J.-R. et al. Highly multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of human tissues and tumors using t-CyCIF and...
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Pediatric high-grade gliomas (pHGGs) are a group of tumors affecting approximately 0.85 children per 100,000 annually. The general outcome for these tumors is poor with 5-year survival rates of less than 20%. It is now recognized that these tumors represent a heterogeneous group of tumors rat...
There is no mention of a comparison of grade inflation with withdrawal rates in Kolevzon's paper. Nelson and Lynch (1984) find not only is there a positive association between local grade inflation and teaching evaluations but also between local grade inflation and instructors' incomes. "First,...
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