Diet-induced metabolic acidosis has been reported to be associated with the impairment of bone metabolism and an increased risk of a number of chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension [11–13]. Thus, this study aimed to gather the existing evidence ...
In this ranking SKOV3 and A2780 are both classified as "unlikely HGSOC" [11]. The authors point out that these cells lack the major hallmarks of HGSOC, such as high copy number variation and mutations in TP53 and BRCA genes. Instead, they have mutations in "non-HGSOC" genes: ARID1A...
e.nodeType:9;if(n=n||[],"string"!=typeof t||!t||1!==p&&9!==p&&11!==p)return n;if(!r&&(T(e),e=e||C,E)){if(11!==p&&(u=Z.exec(t)))if(i=u[1]){if(9===p){if(!(a=e.getElementById(i)))return n;if( n.push(a),n}else if(f&&(a=f...