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You need to use this formula to calculate the average GPA in Excel:=<cell with sum of grade values>/<total number of subjects>. Then, you can use VLOOKUP to enter the grades. You need to enter the Lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, etc., as per the data you want to calcu...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to grade formulas in Excel and Google Sheets. To grade a score achieved in an assignment, we can use the VLOOKUP or IF Functions. VLOOKUP Function The VLOOKUP Function searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table and then returns a value a ...
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Let’s explore how to create scoring systems using various functions. Scoring System Requirements To build an Excel scoring system, you’ll need four key formulas: Total Score (SUM Function): =SUM(D6:D9) Weighted Average Score (SUMPRODUCT Function): =SUMPRODUCT(D6:D9,$C$6:$C$9) ...
Good afternoon, I work in a secondary school and we use the following grades: 1-, 1, 1+, 2-, 2, 2+, etc. I need to calculate the number of students that got a 1- etc in each subject. Obviously the +...Show More Formulas and Functions Reply ...
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