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75% is GCSE grade 8 on a higher paper or grade 5 on a foundation paper. Remember that this is not guaranteed, however looking back over the past few years, is usually true. Were GCSE grade boundaries in 2024 higher than in 2023? Grade boundaries were similar in 2023 and 2024, and a...
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1. To put in place or position. 2. To determine the position of; locate. [Middle English posicioun, from Old French posicion, from Latin positiō, positiōn-, from positus, past participle of pōnere, to place; see apo- in Indo-European roots.] po·si′tion·al adj. po·si′tion·...
SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern 2025 consists of a marking scheme for the exam. The Online Exam consists of two papers with different formats based on the stream. The first paper includes General English (Descriptive, 100 marks, 60 minutes) and post-specific subjects like Commerce or Finance (MCQs...