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During the IPC Exhibition, students showcased their learning through group presentations, utilizing PowerPoint to convey their insights. A highlight of the event was the interactive baking session, where students guided their parents in following ...
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It makes the messages and life lessons that Rose learns at the Brooklyn School Of Magic that much more fun. “Double, double toil and trouble….” And let’s not forget the illustrations. They are too cute. The cherry on top is the adorable cover art. She’s all wrapped up in a ...
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· Developed and completed student–centered lessons in all subject areas for various groups of fifth grade special and regular education students. · Adapted lessons to meet student’s needs by reviewing their backgrounds and learning needs through IEPs. · Communicated with parents on a regular ba...
To determine whether a student would pass the West African Examination Council exam, researchers used input variables such as psychomotor evaluations, average scores in Mathematics, English, and other major disciplines, and ratings from the class teachers. They also investigated the effect of using ...