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It is a good reminder to teach about diverse artists throughout the year and throughout your curriculum. Frida Kahlo’s had many pets including macaws, parakeets, a parrot, sparrows, a cat, a fawn, monkeys, an eagle, and hairless dogs with ancient Aztec lineage. Many of her self-...
In additon, this book had been adapted to the 2013 curriculum teaching system. So, it is recommended for all of school that is applied the curricullum. There are 170 pages and 8 units to be learned in two semesters. In the first semester, four units will be discussed. Then, for more...
STANFORD-BRENTWOOD 1966–67 MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM (Books 1–25) for First GradeELSEVIERComputer-Assisted Instruction At Stanford, 1966-68
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EGRA is not an intervention or a curriculum. Nor is it a perfect assessment. No assessment is. In writing this paper we are clarifying the intention of EGRA. Primarily, we are concerned that some critics may be assigning it purposes which were not intended. For example, motivation is ...
This study is focused on implicatures in fourth-grade students' books of the 2013 curriculum revision edition in 2016. It aimed at identifying the forms of implicatures and the background contexts which were found in the students' books of the 2013 curriculum theme 6 and theme 9 for the fourt...
In addition to requiring students to learn to use technology for everyday life and their future careers, the revised version of the national science curriculum standards requires students to learn to create and develop technology through engineering design practices. The Insti- tute for the Promotion...
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Alexander has built his curriculum for many years — and it is always changing with the student abilities and needs. “I work towards what I want the students to have at the end of the school year — to understand concepts, to go from the concrete to the abstract, to develop good numeri...