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I don't plan on having my students do a lot of reading, most of the sections are not long reads to begin with, but it is important for them to read the textbook in order forthem to understand the primary instruction that I give them. Supplementary readings can only strengthen the ...
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Tsagkaraki, Vilelmini
This would potentially inspire textbook authors and other actors to produce new teaching materials and tasks based on the precepts of the spiral curriculum. There are some limitations of our study. Firstly, our sample size was small, and the teachers were from a very specific group, namely ...
Despite the growing recognition of the importance of multimodal input and digital virtual reality (VR) games in enhancing EFL learners’ productive language skills, a significant gap remains in empirical research examining their impact on multimodal outp
My 10-year-old began asking questions about the world wars, and one day, I let him listen to his father’s U.S. history podcast about World War II. It was at this point that I felt we could start history lessons. I considered doing American history first since his interests seemed to...
Also, I fell in love with these books. I am not exaggerating when I saythey are beautiful.These books incorporate beautiful artwork and large, easy-on-the-eyes fonts. I think using a beautiful textbook makes a world of difference when trying to teach youngsters, and it made a world of ...