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The pattern in the given sequence is that each term is double the previous term. Starting with 7, the next term is obtained by multiplying 7 by 2, resulting in 14. Continuing this pattern, the next term is 28. To find the next three terms, we continue doubling the previous term: 28 ...
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This term he began to teach Grade One. Some of the new students were told about him but the others didn’t know about him. On the first day of school he told the students how to be an honest person. He gave them some examples and said “I don’t like telling a lie.” Before cl...
Math End of Term Test For Fifth (5th) Grade Or Placement Test For 6th Graders Math End of Term Test For Fifth (5th) Graders Decimals Quizzes & Exercises Decimals multiplied by 10 to 100 quiz Decimals multiplied by decimals quiz Decimals to whole numbers Decimals multiplied by ...
结果1 题目首范文欣赏 I am Jane. I am a student in Grade Seven. This term, I have Chinese, maths, English, history, geography, biology, music and PE. I like all the subjects, but my favourite subject is maths. I like it because I'm good with numbers and I am good at working ...
3. What are Daming and Betty looking forward to at the end of the term? 【达标训练】: 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. The f ___ from London to Hong Kong takes about 10 hours. 2. My father is a very famous __...