about the math test last Wednesday. He is good the subject but he had performed badly in the past two tests. Jackie,one his classmates,had26him about his recent poor results. Finally Mrs White enteredthe classroom with the test papers. Peter was sothat he couldn’t even hold ...
August 10, 2020 This is great. I teach math, and have for over 13 years now been using a system that decouples feedback and grades. I appreciate the courage it takes to enlist students to “do the heavy lifting,” but (as you state in your piece) their deeper engagement is an import...
()10.Thebigexamiscoming.Haveyou___forit? A.asked B.paid C.prepared D.searched 11.Thenoise-makerishavingtoomuchfuncreating___intheneighborhood.Everyoneherefeelsuneasy. A.adviceB.reliefC.popularityD.fear;1.是时候与我们的母校说再见了。 saygoodbyetoourmotherschool.? 2.在七年级,有什么特别的事情...