We believe in cumulative testing. First, we take the chapter end test after completion of every chapter, the unit test at the end of every unit, the half syllabus test, and finally, the entire syllabus test. These tests ensure our students are always better positioned to face the examination...
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This approach is similar to that in Chapter 10 of Gelman and Hill (2006) figure 10.7. We repeated the Black–White analysis using a stricter tolerance on the overlap assumption by removing propensity scores within 0.025 and 0.10 of zero or one. Trimming with these tolerances removes 110 and ...
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To crack this highly competitive Bank Exam, strong subject knowledge along with thorough practice is required. Focusing on the following aspects will help in effective SEBI Grade A exam preparation – Study finance, accounting and economics thoroughly from school textbooks as well as standard books pr...
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