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发现难度相当高,所以又补了小学阶段的。《Vocabulary Workshop》全部包括3300多个单词。它把词汇融入到...
学乐系列经典英语材料scholastic success with vocabulary grade 1.pdf,Name Days of the week Day by Day Write the names of the missing days on each caterpillar. Then color each caterpillar using the color code. Monday = red Wednesday = green Thursday = blue
Ignite student interest with fun vocabulary building activities that make learning new words interactive through our vibrant bulletin board set for a word of the day or week routine! PDF Slide Grade s 2 - 5 Free Plan Said is Dead List - Dialogue Tags Help your students choose a variety...
Grade 1 Spelling words: Long vowels - This list contains 60 simple words with long vowel sounds, arranged in word families.First Grade Vocabulary Words 1st graders will enjoy this great list of 175 words! Find them first in alphabetical order, then secondly, see 100 of the words in 9 popul...
宝贝介绍: 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know Grade4 高清PDF 下载商品评论评论(148人参与,22条评论) 发布 最新评论 风景 2024年11月02日 02:07 回复 肥胖妹妹 2024年11月01日 10:25 威武 回复 licwen999 2024年10月31日 17:37 回复 aibmc 2024年10月31日 00:59 V5妈妈资源网 回复 夹心饼干 ...
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240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know, Grade 2 240个孩子必知词汇,Grade 2 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 24篇课文,每课3页,教你灵活应用词汇。每课都包括了探索性的活动来帮助学生们回顾以前学习的知识,以便更好地理解,也给学生多次遇见新词的机会,使得他们真的能够记住。课文...
See our entire collection of freeFirst Grade Worksheets! NEW!Check out this huge list of175 First Grade Vocabulary Words! Words are carefully selected and age-appropriate. Link includes teaching suggestions, additional resources, and vocab words for other grade levels. Don't miss it!