This application is for kids around the world, It would be a perfect app to make your kids fluent in English! 6 Features you will find when using this app: * R…
“If you want your kids to be great at spelling, then download this app now! It includes over 1000 pre-build practice tests to choose from! Plus all the spelli…
Printable list of 4th grade spelling bee words 1. ladder 2. alarm 3. candle 4. harsh 5. jacket 6. enough 7. pilot 8. movie 9. laziest 10. needle 11. carrying 12. fasten 13. hungry 14. against 15. bridge 16. foggy 17. cloth 18. boast 19. jogging 20. calf 21. weather 22. ...
1st grade spelling bee words游戏简介 有趣和富有挑战性拼写游戏程序。拼字游戏的话免费的应用程序,包括一年级拼写计划和课程标准:拼写单词,单词的拼写游戏,拼写检查,拼写家庭帮助和拼字比赛。全国拼字比赛是具有挑战性和拼字单词的数量每年都在增长。您的孩子需要更好的准备。这拼字游戏的话帮助应用程序你小子preparre...
结果1 题目 The spelling bee is for students in the US. Students under Grade 9 and the age of 16 can spell in it. In the spelling bee, kids stand in front of everyone and try to spell the words right (正确地). If they don't make mistakes, they can be still in the spelling ...
结果1 题目 The spelling bee is for students in the US. Students under Grade 5 the age of 16 can spell in it. In the spelling bee, kids stand in front of everyone and try to spell the words right (正确地). If they don't make it, they can be still in the spelling bee. At ...
如今,四年级Spelling Bee Words Contest,把你和你的梦想统统拉进现实! 大赛的主旨:帮助学生提高英语拼写能力,增加英语词汇量,为高阶的英语学习提供帮助。 经过淘汰后的18名spellers出战年级决赛!瞧瞧拉拉队的海报多给力! 无奋斗,不成长! 恭喜所有获奖选手!你们各个棒棒哒~ ...
SpellingBeetrophy,willgoto thelaststudentstanding. Secondandthirdplace winnerswillreceiveribbons foroutstandingperformance andachievement. Herearethewords thatwillappearonthe SpellingBeealongwithalist ofChallengeWordsthat yourchildwillencounter morefrequentlyinthefirst grade. Ihighlyencourage parentstomotivatetheir ...
结果1 题目 The spelling bee is for students in the US Students under Grade 4 and the age of 16 can spell it in. In the spelling bee, kids stand in front of everyone and try to spell the words right (正确地). If they don't make mistakes, they can be still in the spelling bee...