Grade 2 Science - Aligned to Alberta Curriculum **Sale Price $17.49 - Regular Price $24.99 **BellaireTracy &GilchristAndrew
Summer is looking forward to a relaxing summer at the rez in Alberta where her mom grew up. But this year, there is a change: they have discovered a mass grave at a closed-down residential school where Summer’s grandfather was forced to attend. Additionally, Summer is having vivid dreams...
subordinate - rank or order as less important or consider of less value; "Art is sometimes subordinated to Science in these schools" prioritise, prioritize - assign a priority to; "we have too many things to do and must prioritize" sequence - arrange in a sequence downgrade - rate lower; ...
While it may well be that one man's meat may be another man's poison, as an old proverb would have us believe, you would have a hard time selling this argument in Alberta, where the beef industry largely enjoys the revered iconic status ... ANDREW JOSEPH - 《Canadian Packaging》 被引...
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