122.G.1 Data Handling Reading Data on Bar Graphs Game Unleash your child's math skills with this engaging game on reading data from bar graphs. Second graders will learn to analyze and choose the correct answers from various options, boosting their understanding of data handling. This interactiv...
Upskill with our 2nd grade math worksheets in place value, adding and subtracting numbers, measuring length, describing shapes, and reading graphs.
More Math Worksheets Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Pre-K/K Reading Comprehension Grade 1 Reading Comprehension Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Grade 3 Reading Comprehension Grade 4 Reading Comprehension Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Grade 6 Reading Comprehension Reading & Writing Reading Worksheets...
2nd Grade Math Worksheets: Telling TimeTime and calendar worksheets These grade 2 worksheets help students learn to read a traditional (analog) clock-face. We begin with "whole hours" (3 o'clock, etc.) and progress to half fours, quarter hours and 5 and 1 minute intervals. We also cover...
1 2 3 4 5 CONTENT TYPE Resources Games Worksheets Glossary Lesson Plans SUBJECT Math (116) ELA (131) Time Comparison – Earlier or Later Boost your time-telling skills by comparing "quarter past" and "quarter to" to find which activity comes first or last!
2nd Grade Spelling Lists This is your one-stop shop for a number of second grade spelling w for the classroom. Pair your second grade spelling words with over 40 learning games and activities, or choose from the available second grade vocabularyprintable worksheets. Reinforce foundational skills, ...
The math worksheets and other resources below are listed by subject. They have been categorized at the 2nd Grade level based on theCommon Core StandardsFor Mathematics. You can learnmore about these standards here. When tutoring your 2nd Grader in math, keep in mind that there are four critica...
Time Worksheets Here are our collection of clock worksheets for 2nd grade. These sheets cover telling the time for quarter past and quarter to times. Using these second grade math worksheets will help your child to: read quarter past and quarter to times; ...
2nd grade Math Telling time on an analog clock can be tricky business for young learners. This guided lesson on time helps second graders improve their ability to tell time to the hour, half-hour and quarter hour. Targeted instruction and practical exercises give kids the practice they need to...
Here you will find our selection of telling time clock worksheets to help your child learn their o'clock, half-past, quarter past and to. Using these sheets will help your child to: read o'clock, half-past times; read quarter past and quarter to; tell the time to the nearest 5 ...