Breast cancer Diagnostic markers Prognosis Grade-specific network Survival analysis 1. Introduction Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with simultaneous perturbations in multiple genes or gene products [1], which serve the specific function inside or outside the cell through molecular interactions wit...
Development of Diagnostic Test in Reading for Grade 7doi:10.7719/jpair.v53i1.857MANGUBAT, ART V.JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Pancreatic injurieswere diagnosed using a combination of dedicated 64 slice CT scanner, MRI with MRCP in majority of the patients. Injuries identified during intra-operative exploration were graded according to the extent of injury determined intra-operatively.ERCPsolely as a diagnostic modality is not...
DiagnosticMetricSet 维度 DnsType DnsVerificationTestResult DomainCollection DomainContact DomainContact.Definition DomainContact.DefinitionStages DomainContact.DefinitionStages.Blank DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAddressLine1 DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAddressLine2 DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAttach Doma...
Common diagnostic methods such as laboratory blood test and aspiration had a rather frustrating diagnostic value in our study. The determination of the CRP value resulted in a sensitivity of 60% with a specificity of 53%, which is lower than in other joints but in line with recent studies con... OPEN received: 16 July 2015 accepted: 16 October 2015 Published: 12 November 2015 GRADE in Systematic Reviews of Acupuncture for Stroke Rehabilitation: Recommendations based on High-Quality Evidence Zhang Xin1, Liu Xue-Ting2 & Kang De-Ying2 Systematic reviews...
The ideal diagnostic test has been described as safe, accurate, available, and actionable and providing a favorable benefit-to-harm ratio.49,50 While PSA alone offers favorable practical attributes, its lack of cancer specificity has driven the need for a complementary test to improve screening out...
Longacre TA, Chung MH, Jensen DN et al (1995) Proposed criteria for the diagnosis of well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma. A diagnostic test for myoinvasion. Am J Surg Pathol 19(4):371–406 ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Lopez-Garcia MA, Palacios J (2010) Pathologic and molecular features...
The development of decision support systems for pathology and their deployment in clinical practice have been hindered by the need for large manually annotated datasets. To overcome this problem, we present a multiple instance learning-based deep learnin
Several studies on various diseases have performed proteomic profiling on EVs since these contain valuable information which can be translated into noninvasive diagnostic platforms27. In HGSOC, initial proteomic studies on EVs were performed on a few cell lines51. A study by Selvendiran and colleag...