After the devastating fire this week at the Notre Dame cathedral, I put some of my previously planned lessons on hold. We are making a bulletin board in tribute of the Notre Dame cathedral. One of my classes is making some stunning and highly detailed pen drawings of parts of the cathedral...
GRADE 1 Budget of Work in ESP – 1st to 4th Quarter GRADE 1 Budget of Work in FILIPINO – 3rd Quarter GRADE 1 Budget of Work in MATHEMATICS – 1st to 4th Quarter GRADE 1 Budget of Work in MTB – 3rd Quarter In other related articles...Quarter 3 Week 6 Lesson Exemplars (LE) Compila...
Our 5th grade recently spent some time in the library exploring places in texts where the reader must make an inference in order to know the full story. This is a standard that our 5th graders work on in the first quarter. ELAGSE5RL1: Quotes accuratelyfrom a textwhen explainingwhat the ...
This policy is therefore meant to support teachers in upholding quality education standards by affirming the importance of instructional planning through Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) preparation. These guidelines ultimately aim to assist teachers in not only effectively managing ...
Choose different colors and use them to separate the pages in your Lesson Plan pages by quarter/trimester/semester. We are on trimesters, so I chose three tapes and folded them over each page. Because washi tape is so thin, it won't bulk up your pages and will make it easy to see ...
What is your preferred length of book? short and sweet, long and detailed, in between short and long, depends on the book If you could visit any time or place, where would you go? What is your favorite series or genre? What else would help me match you with a book?