really. I always have a goal during these first few days (and always, really!) of helping kids see that learning is fun, that our classroom is a safe place to make and share your ideas, to create things, to make mistakes (and messes!) and a place to explore ...
Teachingcontent Vocabulary Studentswilllearnnewwordsandphrasesrelatedtofestivals,suchas"celebration","tradition","decoration","costume",etc.Grammar Studentswilllearnaboutthepresentsimpletense,whichisusedtotalkabouthabits,routines,andgeneraltruths.Listening Studentswilllistentoaudiorecordingsandcompletecomprehensiontasks...
Papers Grade Please!Ratings and Reviews 4.6out of 5 111.5K Ratings
I learn a LOT from them and they often spark a lot of ideas and make my list of ‘things to make’ longer than a giraffe’s necktie. I also subscribe to a lot of amazing youtube creators, a lot of times they are craftspeople who love to share and teach, but do not want the for...
materials (such as e-books and print-on-demand teaching activities) from an Evan-Moor website, or that of an Evan-Moor authorized dealer’s website, you are granted a single-classroom user license which entitles you to use or duplicate these materials for a single classroom (or home) ...