Ceramic aggregate has been added in an amount from 250 to 325% of metakaolin weight. In this study, standard sieve analysis, particle size analyzer and electron microscopy were applied for a detailed investigation of the ceramic filler. The effect of aggregate gradation according to Fuller's ...
the evaluation of the aggregate gradation indicated that the aggregate gradation specified by SCDOT ranked in the top half of the gradations studied with respect to permeability, texture, abrasion loss, and rut resistance. Moreover, the percent passing the No. 4 (4.75mm) sieve should be less ...
An asphalt-concrete aggregate blend may contain particles ranging in size from 30 mm down to less than 75 ;Aggregate size gradation is determined by the well-known and widely-used "sieve analysis" method. One major drawback of this procedure is the consumption of time and effort. The time ...
Aggregate particles were modeled in the DEM as three-dimensional (3D) polyhedral discrete elements with both low and high angularity categories quantified by image analysis. According to the DEM simulation results, the No. 4 sieve (4.75-mm opening) size could be reasonably regarded as the ...
The contact force analysis shows that the aggregates retaining on sieve sizes of 2.36 and 4.75 mm provide more than 50% contribution to resist load, and the aggregates retaining on sieve sizes of 1.18, 0.6 and 0.3 mm provide more than 50% contribution to stabilize the structure. The ...
Keywords: asphalt mixture; gradation segregation; aggregate skeleton; discrete element method 1. Introduction Gradation segregation is defined as the non-uniform distribution of coarse and fine aggregates in paved asphalt pavement [1]. It may occur during plant manufacturing, truck transportation, and ...
Since the NMAS is a differential factor in thin asphalt concrete overlays, the aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of NMAS on cracking performance of asphalt concrete mixtures, as well as the effect of fine aggregate content. In order to accomplish this objective, three different...
Through this research, the aggregate gradation of autoclaved bricks could be calculated by the new model to save the labor input. Meanwhile, the autoclaved bricks based on the model could have the characteristics of high strength and a high proportion of the fine aggregate. To verify the ...