现在学的东西文科占比蛮高的,就更偏向于political或者social science这方面。然后它会有很多社会层面的内容,可是本科的时候学的理论比较多,跟关注于个人。但是因为我们的这个专业它是很注重实践,所以说区别还是蛮大的。Q: 这个program最有趣的一门课是做什么的呢?A: 个人最喜欢的一门课叫Element & Lab。它是...
gradschoolsocialworkreplied toMSW.K's topic inSocial Workers Forum Found out that I got into Columbia on 2/26 (last friday) for advanced standing msw & totally forgot to come on here & update! For those of you who have gotten in so far, have they sent scholarship amounts with your ac...
美国社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work, 简称MSW)是文科申请的热门专业,主要培养和训练帮助人们解决心理、行为和社会关系等方面问题的专门人才。社会工作在美国属于职业教育(professional),一般它都是在独立的社会工作学院,和商学院、法学院、医学院、工程学院并列为职业学院,与学术的文理学院 (Arts and Sciences)相区...
free time was limited, and finding a school/work/life balance was not easy. Master’s programs in Social Work require two days a week of unpaid interning the first year and three full days the second year. Like many
While ThirdWay chose not to release the specific degree names of the “no ROI” programs, Robinson explains to Fortune that even in public service fields like social work and nursing assisting, in which salaries may be lower, it doesn’t mean graduate school—especially online–should be expens...
She recently relocated to Chicago, IL to embark on her graduate school journey, and pursue some dreams she has had in mind for herself. She attends Loyola University Chicago, and is in school for her master’s degree in Social Work. She has been working in the social service field for a...
Being a student at the top ranked engineering school of my country, I have constantly felt theurge to make myself better. It is true that sometimes I have failed to maintain good grades,especially at the initial stage. It has only motivated me to work even harder. I feel that my...
This, obviously, necessitates a little more schoolwork than is regularly scheduled. But okay. Whatever. I can deal with extra schoolwork during finals and busy times of the year. I’ve done it a million times before, and I wrote about it here during college, among other places. The ...
Agent Grad School is where real estate agents go to learn how to make at least 6-figures per year AND still have time for a life without needing a team, hustling for clients, or working 24/7.
and pursue some dreams she has had in mind for herself. She attends Loyola University Chicago, and is in school for her master’s degree in Social Work. She has been working in the social service field for a total of four years now, and she feels like she right where she needs to be...