Grad PLUS loans and private student loans can help fund your education for graduate or professional school, but there’s a lot to consider about them. Learn more.
Tags:bankruptcy,debt,education,paying for college,paying for graduate school,student loans,students
If you have a bad advisor in grad school A couple weeks ago, I emphasized thatmost PhD advisors are really good. In a haphazardly conducted poll, one in four people reported their PhD advisor that was not caring or helpful. Crappy advisors may not be the norm, but we still have 1 in...
More than 30 students settled onto the campus of Dartmouth College this past June for the 71st session of NACM's Graduate School of Credit and Financial Management (GSCFM). This two-year program offers unrivaled opportunities for attendees to sharpen their risk management and business strategy ...
was either going to have to quit school or figure out how to work a full time job while remaining in school. I did the latter, and after working 15 hour days, six days a week for the better part of two years, I paid off all of my credit card debt and could finally breathe again...
Credit Social workers offer guidance to individuals facing adverse life circumstances, and those who specialize in clinical social work are typically employed as therapists. The Council on Social Work Education has temporarily reduced the number of field placement hours require...
it’s really important for me to visit them, you know once every two weeks. Genuinely, I don’t need a car. And over time, I’ve really reflected on, maybe this is not a good expense to have because I can take the bus everywhere here in San Diego, and I can walk to sch...
All that being said, Johns Hopkins is quite a bit more expensive than Carnegie Mellon. I don’t think Emily has any intention of taking out student loans to cover costs, so again, I offer general advice to not go into debt for a degree program. While I lean towards Johns Hopkins since...