Grad PLUS loans and private student loans can help fund your education for graduate or professional school, but there’s a lot to consider about them. Learn more.
Streeter and other student loan experts say it’s worth noting that while some graduate students may qualify for private student loans that have lower interest rates than the Grad PLUS loan, they should be wary: Federal student loans come with better consumer protections than even the...
This chart shows how grad students got screwed on their student loansDan Macklin
500 a year with no credit check as well as Direct PLUS loans, which are credit-based and help cover remaining costs. Federal loans typically have fixed interest rates and income-driven repayment plans
Additional student debt: With increased tuition rates and additional years of school and without time to save up for it, many grad students take on additional student loan debt. Having to manage multiple student loans during grad school and afterward can affect your financial stability after yo...
were supplied by compensation research firm PayScale. Median amounts borrowed are from the U.S. Department of Education's 2012 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. Debt-payoff times were calculated using's student-loan calculator. Though interest and repayment rates may vary, for...
College-bound 2022 high school grads could take on nearly $40,000 in student loan debt, and their parents may need to help shoulder the load.