2 Grace is a central concept also in certain forms of Hinduism. The purpose of this short paper is (i) to show that the idea of grace is present as an integral part of certain religious movements in Hinduism, (ii) to discuss briefly its meaning in its context and (iii) to compare ...
“It is true that those who are brought up in a particular linguistic and cultural tradition see the world in a different way from those who belong to other traditions. It is true that the historical ‘worlds’ that succeed one another in the course of history are different from one another...
Ichazo claimed to have discovered the personality type meaning of the Enneagram when it was taught to him by the Archangel Metraton while he was high on mescaline. “One of Ichazo’s students, a Chilean-born psychiatrist named Claudio Naranjo (another occultist) was the first to connect the ...
And how do we persuade the rising generation that Christianity is not simply one possible option available for finding happiness and satisfaction in this life but rather is the very meaning of life itself? I would like to suggest that one vital part of the answer is to be found in that mos...
What is the true meaning of it? Or do we have to read between the lines to understand it? I hope you can understand my confusion regarding all of this. I have asked Father to show me the truth behind all this and I do trust Him that in His time and in His way it will be ...
in cases such as Cain & Abel, Ishmael & Isaac, Esau & Jacob, Leah & Rachel, Joseph & his Brothers and so on and so on. But one of the main divisions and enmities shown in the Scriptures is of the Division of the 12 Tribes into two parts –The House of Judah & The House of ...
(two-thirds of these in writings attributed toSt. Paul). Although the word must sometimes be translated in other ways, the fundamental meaning in the New Testament and in subsequent theological usage is that contained intheLetter of Paul to Titus: “For the grace of God has appeared, ...
The word creed comes from the Latin wordcredomeaning “I believe.” A creed is a truthfully and carefully crafted, time-tested summary statement of the Christian faith. They help us learn fundamental Christian truths. And, in our constant reaffirmation of them, creeds help us remember these tr...