Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church. Our inclusive multi-cultural community is a place to serve and lead together with the love of Jesus. Located in Des Moines, WA
Worship Service · Sunday 10:30 AM 1212 9th Ave N Edmonds, WA 98020 425.640.3692 Grace Lutheran Podcast Find current and previous sermons with special music, subscribe and listen on the Grace Lutheran Podcast on the following platforms.
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, in Myrtle Beach, has been proclaiming the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.
Grace Lutheran Church, Wayne Nebraska, LCMS, Missouri Synod, VBS, Vacation Bible School, Children's Education
Grace Lutheran Church It's my delight to welcome you to our Christian faith community! We believe that everyone needs a solid, faithful church home. If we can help you in any way, it would be our honor to do so.
Welcome to Peninsula Lutheran Church Growing a Christ-centered community who welcomes gladly, sings joyfully and serves boldly! FOLLOW THE LINK TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL THIS WEEK SUNDAY LIVE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrp2CpUXR2IPLC YOUTUBE CH
Home WELCOME TO SOMETHING AMAZING… the online home of Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, an independent Lutheran church in Green Bay, WI. WHAT’S SO AMAZING, YOU ASK? We have an amazing God and Savior in our Lord Jesus Christ. We have an amazing message of His love for you, which He ...
"End Times: More Than Meets the Eye!" - Contemporary| Nov 17, 2024 Saving Grace Lutheran Church, LCMC (Eau Claire, WI) Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost Contemporary Service for November 17, 2024. The sermon, based on Mark 13:1-8 and presented by Pastor David Irgens, is entitled "End...
Rooted And Thriving - We Are A Church With Exceedingly Deep Roots And Those Roots Feed Our Gathering Together Today. But While We Are Rooted In A Rich And ...
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). This church body got its name because it was formed in Wisconsin