Grace and Law in the Old TestamentWenham, Gordon JWenham G 1978. Grace and law in the Old Testament. In Kaye B and Wenham G (eds), Law, Morality, and the Bible. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press.
Dr. Chapell shares from this Old Testament passage to remind us of the way that God provides for His people, even though we don’t deserve it. ...see more December 12, 2024 Play Angel Glory, Jesus Story Pastor Bryan shares a lesson from Luke 2. Dr. Chapell highlights the ...
The Blessed Life eddie.snipesApril 12, 2024No Comments In the Old Testament book of Numbers, we see a good illustration of the unstoppable power of grace. Remember, grace means the gift of God’s favor without doing anything to… BlogMorning Manna ...
True Christianity has been and continues to be a very real positive force in our world, regardless of the sect, order or denomination which spreads the good word in the name of Jesus Christ. It is time for all Christians everywhere to embrace true Christianity and to reign in the differences...
Limitless horizon is a place to find expectancy in the truth of God's word, through Bible Study and Prayer reflections, which bring inspiration for life today and hope for tomorrow.
We find in the Old Testament such references In response to the rebellion of His people, Moses records the words of the Lord. “And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.I...
Christ's death was also "according to the Scriptures" in this sense: the Old Testament prophesied the crucifixion in clear, graphic detail in Psalm 22 and in Isaiah 53. So Paul's gospel summary in Corinthians 15 has a kind of built-in apologetic—a defense of the truth of the gospel. ...
Jesus then goes about systematically replacing elements found in the Old Testament and the Law with HIMSELF. Many left Him after that (John 6:66). We are to partake in HIM. Remember HIM. We are not to strive as those without Christ did by observing ritual and regulation in Feast ...
re challenged and the whole thing about this antinomianism is that the Old Testament law has no bearing on the Christian life… that’s all future, and now comes the eschatology, where the kingdom of God is in no sense realized, it’s totally and completely future, now what do you do ...
Lazarus, being a lifeless corpse in the tomb, did not cooperate with Christ with regard to his own resurrection. Jesus simply cried out “Lazarus come forth!” and this call was powerful and sufficient in and of itself to bring dead Lazarus back to life. Christ did not interview the dead...