By Michael King FULL REVIEW 70 The Hollywood Reporter Nov 13, 2018 Amazing Grace will not enter the pantheon of concert films — it's somewhat shapeless as a movie, and gives little sense of emotional insight into the performer. But it does contain moments of bliss: As astonishing as ...
One popular view, and one or two readers actually suggested this, is that all who are unenlightened as to the teachings of Christ are therebySAVED. I suppose this gives credence to the old expression: "Ignorance is bliss!" If this is true, then it is argued that we do adisserviceto the...
Our prophets, Daniel, Ezekiel, David, Moses, and so on, each was a man chosen by our Lord to deliver messages to us on his behalf which helped us to understand our relationship to God as well as how to best lead our lives and meet our needs here on earth. I believe that other mes...
However, later generations of Muslims, after their interactions with Jews and Christians, felt the need to generate stories about Muhammad’s miracles. If Moses and Jesus both performed miracles, the logic goes, then Muhammad, too, must have done the same—even though this contradicts Islam’s ...