Grace Life Bible Church is unique from other churches because we believe that you can understand the Bible for yourself and that we can show you how.
was. The condition of Adam’s covenant was perfect obedience, and according to this imaginary law of easier terms, the conditions of the covenant of grace are sincere faith and sincere obedience.”– John Colquhoun, A Treatise on the Law and Gospel (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books),...
For other events in the Bible, Christians usually accept the accounts as written. But when it comes to Genesis, so many Christians and Christian leaders will go outside of Scripture and use what secular scientists are saying to then claim we can’t take Genesis as written on these matters. ...
Merly is fulfilling an internship with the Grand Rapids Police Department as a student with Junior standing at Grace Christian University, located in Wyoming, MI. Merly is not only the sole daughter of five children in her family, she is also the only family member in law enforcement. "We ...
David Murray. Christians Get Depressed Too (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010), 51-52 as quoted by Mike Leake inTorn to Heal(pp. 71-72). Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Gospel Story: Family from A to Z Tweet I hope the title for this post made you stop and think. ...
her office of infallible Guide were superfluous, if each individual could interpret the Bible for himself … God never intended the Bible to be the Christian’s rule of faith, independently of the living authority of the Church,” (Faith of Our Fathers,10threv. ed. (New York: John Murphy ...
“I just took for granted that it was done as we started it, you know, until some of my friends across the country began to learn that I had some part in it and they started saying, ‘What about this; what about that?’ Dr. David Otis Fuller in Grand Rapids. I’ve known him fo...
Longenecker, Richard. “The Obedience of Christ in the Theology of the Early Church.” InReconciliation and Hope: New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology Presented to Leon L. Morris on his 60th Birthday. Edited by Robert J. Banks. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974. 141-152. ... 相似文献Ockham's Theory of Terms: Part I of the "Summa Logicae" (review) 106 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY us, from the latter it is right to require that they hold firmly to the pledge taken at their baptism" (Ep. 136, quoted, p. 40). ... Stephen,F.,Brown - ...
A person who was born and raised in the church and steeped in scripture, who knows full-well Jesus’ words, is showing me the ugly face of modern christendom as expressed to LGTBQ people. Well…I recall the old old chorus “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” which contains the verses that...