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Download now to get everything you need with Grab — The leading ride-hailing, taxi, food delivery and grocery app in Southeast Asia
grabapp是一款国外打车软件,支持越南、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡等等国外地区,用户可以实现国外轻松预约叫车出行,为用户智能导航最便捷最快速的路线,享有订单查找搜索功能,管理 grab shuttle软件 123.83M / 2019-06-10 / v1.0.0 安卓版 评分:下载 grabshuttle安卓版是在国外使用率非常高的出行软件,为您提供巴士预订和在线...
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A tool designed to analyze the download size of Android applications. Provides detailed insights into app binary composition through a Gradle plugin and CLI tool to help developers optimize app size and improve user acquisition. - grab/app-sizer
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