Ernesto Guevara es el personaje más biografiado de este año. La Vanguardia (1997) La autora no explica de manera diáfana las causas, pero se entiende que la dura personalidad del biografiado ha llevado a muchos a separarse de él. El Mundo del Siglo Veintiuno (1995) Por ello, ha...
In the legends about Kukai and Saichō, the themes of the arts in its Buddhist meaning (calligraphy, sculpture) and the separation of the school within the Buddhist community are also important: according to the plan of their founders, the “secret” schools, preaching enlightenment for all, ...
Probably it means nigella, sometimes also called black cumin, whose seeds ripen in a closed capsule, which must first be opened (this is also the Modern Hebrew meaning of the word). Yet in translating the Bible, botanic accuracy is less an aim than general matters of style. Black cumin ...