A light-exposing operation can be conducted by maintaining the gap (g) of very small interval between the substrate 7, the mask 9 and the like. As a result, the exchange of the substrate 7 such as the semiconductor wafer and the like, the mask 9 and the like can be exchanged easily ...
摘要: 香港经济的发展,要求教育事业也要有相应的发展。目前香港比较正规的大专院校有11所,除香港大学是本世纪初成立的外,其余均是近二十年乃至近十年内兴建起来的。这些学校有官办的,也有私人捐款兴办或社团办的。教育经费是香港政府的一项主要开支,1980年至1981年财政年度内,教育经费占总开支预算的16.3%。香港各大...
Arahan penggunaan lahan yang sesuai dalam menjaga kelestariannya adalah menerapkan tindakan konservasi metode vegetatif dan metode mekanis. Pada lahan dengan tingkat bahaya erosi ringan (R) dan sedang (S) pemilihan dan pengaturan pola ...
A new freeze-drying device for platinum replica studies of cell surface and cytoskeleton: An example using immunogold-labeled human erythrocytes We designed and built a freeze-drying device that ensures the protection of the specimens against contaminants during mounting on the cold stage of the fre...