The hardware version of the GMC-500+ in the picture is outdated, V3.1. Both Stargazer and I have the GMC500 V3.4 20180205 printed close to the battery. Previously, we have seen that there have been important changes in how the new hardware behaves vs. the old ones (EmfDev couldn’t r...
0303-031MOOG 带插头 D661-4651/G35JOAA6VSX2HAMTS 磁坏 201542-2GMC-0001 变送器SINE AX1538SCHUNK 机械手 PGN+125-1-AS-KMOOG-0010 D662-4015-D02HABF6VSX2BTURCK 电源电缆 IPSKP4-0.5-SSP4/S90DYNAPAR 112860-0030 CABLE FOR HS35KOBOLD VKM62094AR200LMTS 电器件 370427LEINE+LINDE 编码器 RHA 60...