EMF-390 has on board flash memory for data logging and saving. The data can be logged every second and can be downloaded into .csv format file with free software EMF-PRO.GQ RF Browser is specifically designed for Cellphone, Cell Tower, Smart Meter, WiFi RF radiation monitoring. Safety ...
EMF-390 Meter Analyzer Multi-Field Electromagnetic Radiation EMF ELF EF RF detector with data logging GQ-4X V4 PRG-055 Willem Programmer One True-USB Willem Programmer with High-Quality 40pin ZIF GQ GMC-600 Plus Dosimeter Alpha Beta Gamma X-ray ...
The conductors used for these thermocouple cables are required to have similar thermo-electric (emf) properties as that of the thermocouple used for sensing the temperature. Our plant mainly manufacture type KX,NX,EX,JX,NC,TX,SC/RC,KCA,KCB compensating wire for thermocouple, and they...
Tensile Strength,N/mm2 Annealed,Soft 390-535 Elongation 6~15% EMF vs Cu, μV/ºC (0~100ºC) 2(max) Micrographic Structure austenite Magnetic Property non Hardness 200-260HB Micrographic Structure Ferrite Magnetic Property Magnetic Resistance Alloy- Shunt Manganin Sizes / Temper Capabili...
GQ EMF METER Quick Start Guide Model: EMF-360V2, EMF-360+V2, EMF-380V2, EMF-390 Facebook : GQ Electronics LLC Instagram : @gqelectronicsllc Website : www.gqelectronicsllc.com Software download : download.gqelectronicsllc.com Email : support@gqelectronicsllc.com Address : 5608 Delridge ...
GQ EMF-360V2/360+V2/380V2/390 EMF Multi-Feld/Multifunktionsmeter Gebrauchsanleitung German version GQ EMF-360V2, 360+V2, 380V2, EMF-390 User Guide Download here #16 Japanese version EMF meter user guide 05-18-2021 1745 Japanese version EMF meter user guide. ...
GQ EMF Meter电磁场仪(EMF-360、EMF-380、EMF-390)产品特点: l GQ Electronics GQ EMF Meter电磁场仪,集成测试功能包括三轴电磁场、电场、射频和无线电频谱功率分析仪,安装了多个传感器,以确保大范围测量和高精度,高灵敏度仪表检查电动势/射频辐射。 l 使用RF频谱功率分析仪,监控WiFi信号功率、智能电表信号功率、...