【Unity高级实例化插件】GPU Instancer 轻松创建大规模、高细节密度的游戏环境 Unity游戏资源学习站 编辑于 2024年08月17日 01:11 GPU InstancerUnity高级实例化插件 分享至 投诉或建议 0
llamacpp gpu加载模型 gpu instancer 在使用相同材质球(材质球的参数可以不同)、相同Mesh的情况下,Unity会在运行时对于正在视野中的符合要求的所有对象使用Constant Buffer将其位置、缩放、uv偏移、lightmapindex等相关信息保存在显存中的“统一/常量缓冲器中,然后从中抽取一个对象作为实例送入渲染流程,当在执行DrawCall...
GPU Instancer provides user friendly tools to allow everyone to use Indirect GPU Instancing without having to go through the deep learning curve of Compute Shaders and GPU infrastructure. Also, an API with extensive documentation is provided to manage runtime changes. ...
GPU Instancer GurBu Technologies (138) (3141) $75 Seat 1 Updated price and taxes/VAT calculated at checkout 339viewsin the past week Refund policy This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of theEULAfor details. ...
GPU Instancer - Crowd Animations 是一款专门用于在 Unity 中创建和优化大规模人群动画的插件。它是 GPU Instancer 系列插件的一部分,提供了高效的解决方案,帮助开发者在不牺牲性能的情况下,展示大量的动态、复杂的人物和角色动画。以下是该插件的主要特点:主要特点:大规模人群生成:该插件允许你在 Unity 场景中...
【Unity高级实例化插件】GPU Instancer - Crowd Animations 渲染大量具有动画的角色 Unity游戏资源学习站 编辑于 2024年08月17日 18:14 GPU InstancerCrowd Animations 分享至 投诉或建议 0
GPU Instancer Pro includes several modules designed to improve rendering efficiency and streamline the workflow: Core Module This foundational module includes essential functions such as rendering, culling, LOD management, billboard creation, and debugging tools. Although it doesn't have a Manager class...
By using Compute Shaders, it is possible to achieve faster rendering, and thus GPU Instancer makes extensive use of them. GPUI uses Compute Shaders mainly to manipulate instance data on the GPU, and for visibility calculations, buffer management, shadows, LODs, etc. Frustum...
GPU性能优化提升工具(GPU Instancer 1.2.5) 资源编号 :45800997 格式:unity3d 文件体积 :95m 下载量 :25 相关主题 :gpu instancer优化gpu 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D模型专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为unity3d 格式的GPU性能优化提升工具(GPU Instancer 1.2.5), 本站编号45800997, 该Unity3D模型专辑素材大小为95...
1.14Example Scenes That Showcase GPU Instancer Capabilities 2Prefab Instancing Features 2.1Ability to Automatically Instance Prefabs at Your Scene That You Distribute with your Favorite Prefab Painting Tool 2.2Automatically Add and Remove Instances at Runtime (without any Aditional Code) ...