驱动版本 官网最新522.25 因为相当于是第一次稍微深度一点挖掘显卡,所以也就第一次认识了GPU TWEAK 3...
玩游戏的用户一定希望自己的显卡能够突破极限,让自己的游戏画面最高,让自己的游戏体验最爽快,这款ASUS GPU Tweak3就是华硕推出的帮助用户实现显卡超频的工具,在几个版本更新后,也为用户们带来了中文版,让用户还无阻碍的使用这款不错的显卡超频工具。
华硕发布GPU Tweak III测试版,超频操作更直观便捷在显卡软超频领域,各大厂商不断推陈出新,以提升用户体验。近日,华硕带来了全新的GPU Tweak III测试版工具,其界面和设置逻辑有了显著升级,让超频操作变得更加简单易行。这款测试版工具的最大亮点是其全新的用户界面(UI),设计更为直观,用户可以轻...
ASUS GPU Tweak III: one-click Overclocking Utility for NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards. GPU Tweak enables complete control over 3D graphics performance and monitoring. New features and UI designs from our enthusiastic community are continually added through frequent updates. The result is...
ASUS GPU Tweak III是一款十分优秀的华硕显卡超频软件,不仅能够同时调整四个显卡的核心频率、内存频率、核心电压以及风扇速度,而且还可以进行显存时序调节。 软件特点 还支持在线更新驱动及BIOS文件,对显卡的优化设置可以很方便的烧录进BIOS中,做到了对显卡的全面优化。开放性也是其能很受发烧友喜爱的原因之一,不仅仅适用...
有在用gpu tweak3的兄弟吗 只看楼主 收藏 回复 gta216 Matrox 13 兄弟们3080猛禽显示2080ti是bug吗 lz大好人94 先看吧规 1 怕不是被换核心了 广告哥放过我 PowerVR 10 gpuz怎么说 gta216 Matrox 13 1 gta216 Matrox 13 2 gta216 Matrox 13 3 gta216 Matrox 13 4 gta216 ...
For monitoring your GPU, Tweak 3 includes both a refreshed monitoring utility and an Asus skinned version of GPU-Z built right into the program. Tweak 3's monitoring utility gets a refreshed UI as well and features much more visible information on-screen without scrolling thru all the sensor ...
I've recently downloaded GPU Tweak 3 and it shows my GPU's memory clock as 3500 MHz and I cannot lower it. I have an RX 6600 and it has a max memory clock of 1750 MHz. The same thing happens to the core clock and I am not sure if it will affect anything. I don't want ...
I need to use GPU Tweak 3 instead of Afterburner to be able to set the Fan Connect II (External Fans) in regards to the GPU temps. Otherwise, I would have switched a long time ago. It was all in all a very unpleasant experience undervolting my GPU with Tweak 3. It randomly adds...