24 25 basename ;只取完整文件名的文件名;如 basename /etc/profile 输出 profile 26 27 bash 28 29 bluetooth-wizard ;打开蓝牙配置框 30 31 btrfs ; control a btrfs filesystem 32 33 bypy ; 百度云终端客户端 34 35 cal ;输出日历 36 37 cat ;concatenate(连接) files and print on the standard out...
GPU Tweak III ist eine Software zur Anpassung von Systemparametern von NVIDIA- und AMD-Desktop-Grafikkarten, einschließlich Übertaktung, Spannungsanpassung, Lüftersteuerung und anderen Funktionen. Leistungsoptimierungs-Parameter können auch über GPU Tweak III auf der Hardware durchgeführt we...
ASUS GPU Tweak III: one-click Overclocking Utility for NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards. GPU Tweak enables complete control over 3D graphics performance and monitoring. New features and UI designs from our enthusiastic community are continual
GPU Tweak III ist eine Software zur Anpassung von Systemparametern von NVIDIA- und AMD-Desktop-Grafikkarten, einschließlich Übertaktung, Spannungsanpassung, Lüftersteuerung und anderen Funktionen. Leistungsoptimierungs-Parameter können auch über GPU Tweak III auf der Hardware durchgeführt we...
Install ASUS GPU Tweak III Step 1. Unzip the file, double-click theGPU-Tweak-III exe.file to start the installation process. Step 2. ClickInstall, follow the program installation guide and clickNextto complete the installation program.
• 點選 開始 > 所有程式 > ASUS > GPU Tweak II 啟用程式. 簡易模式 簡易模式可讓您即時靈活監控 GPU 設定, 並透過 Gaming Booster 為您的系統設定加速,以適 應游戲環境變化. 預設設定特色 華碩預設/自 訂設定 開啟 XSplit GPU 資訊及 Live Update 設定 監控面板 與監控面板連結/ 解除連結 啟用 Gaming...
GPU Tweak II + Explorer.exe = Desktop Lag/Freezing (UPDATE #1) 13,885 Views SlvrBullet Level 7 05-24-2017 08:48 PM - last edited on 03-06-2024 07:28 PM by ROGBot Looking through all the threads I see that some of us are having serious issues with GPU Tweak II ...
update at certain intervals, such as every day, week, or month. If you happen to own an ASUS video card you can also check the current version of your video card’s BIOS. If you're on an older BIOS version, you can perform a BIOS update using GPU Tweak. This will keep your video...
ASUS GPU Tweak II is a utility the company bundles with its graphics cards, which lets you overclock and monitor them. Among its many monitoring featuresis performance overlay mode, that adds an overlay to fullscreen 3D apps (in other words, games), which can be set to display parameters ...
I don't know if anyone else has had this, but when I installed everytime I launched any game the monitor part closes itself, last night windows prompted me to update to creators edition, once done this version of gpu tweak idling my clocks are all over the place, when I play...