GPU stuck at extreme power saving mode 19,456 Views lacindad Level 7 Options 07-05-202308:54 AM Stuck in the maximum energy saving mode, I can't install the driver, replacing Windows didn't help, updating the bios too, please help...
If you don't want AIDA64 to switch to 3D profile, then you need to disable the option "Change to 3D profile on nVIDIA video adapters" in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability. Please let me know if you find any issues about clocks or a stuck GPU stress test even afte...
For years now both ATI and NVIDIA have been boasting about how much better their GPUs were for video encoding than Intel's CPUs. They promised multi-fold speedups in performance but never delivered, so we've been stuck encoding and transcoding videos on CPUs. With the GT200, NVIDIA has tak...
NVIDIA's GT200 GPU has a significant increase in computational power thanks to its 240 streaming processors, up from 128 in the previous G80 design. As a result, NVIDIA's GT200 GPU showcases a tremendous increase in transistor count over its previous generation architecture (1.4 billion up fr...
Stuck in the maximum energy saving mode, I can't install the driver, replacing Windows didn't help, updating the bios too, please help - 941254
For years now both ATI and NVIDIA have been boasting about how much better their GPUs were for video encoding than Intel's CPUs. They promised multi-fold speedups in performance but never delivered, so we've been stuck encoding and transcoding videos on CPUs. ...
Re: GPU stuck at extreme power saving mode Options GPU stuck at extreme power saving mode 19,438 Views lacindad Level 7 07-05-2023 08:54 AM Stuck in the maximum energy saving mode, I can't install the driver, replacing Windows didn't help, updating the bios too, please he...