作者首先启动了大量连续的CUDA内核,然后在 victim 访问网站时使用 Nvidia profiling 工具收集每个内核的性能计数器值,从而构造特征并利用随机森林分类器进行指纹识别,识别结果的平均精度约为 93%。 Attack 2: Password Textbox Identification and Keystoke Monitoring 在检测到 victim 访问的网站和网站上的特定页面后,作...
2023年3月,研究人员将该漏洞报告给受影响的厂商,包括GPU厂商和浏览器厂商,截止2023年9月,GPU厂商和谷歌都未发布解决该安全问题的补丁,其中相关研究成果已被第45届IEEE S&P(2024)安全会议录用。 参考及来源:https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/modern-gpus-vulnerable-to-new-gpuzip-side-channel-attack...
最后,研究人员指出,Firefox 和 Safari 并不符合 GPU.zip 运行所需的所有条件,例如允许跨源 iframe 使用 cookies 加载、在 iframe 上呈现 SVG 过滤器以及将呈现任务委托给 GPU。https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/modern-gpus-vulnerable-to-new-gpuzip-side-channel-attack/...
参考来源:Modern GPUs vulnerable to new GPU.zip side-channel attack (bleepingcomputer.com) # 数据安全 # CPU 本文为 小薯条 独立观点,未经允许不得转载,授权请联系FreeBuf客服小蜜蜂,微信:freebee2022 被以下专辑收录,发现更多精彩内容 + 收入我的专辑 + 加入我的收藏 相关...
This article presents a systematic classification of GPU side-channel attack vectors, including power analysis, timing analysis, electromagnetic analysis, and combined attacks. This taxonomy proposes countermeasures for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU to mitigate these threats. The countermeasures encompass ...
Leveraging this insight, we develop a covert channel attack across two GPUs with a bandwidth of 45.5 kbps and a low error rate, and introduce a side channel attack enabling attackers to fingerprint applications through the shared NVLink interconnect. 展开 ...
Features: • Side channel attack prevention • Encryption of memory traffic • RSA PKC 2048-bit CMAC based boot support • Support for multiple security domains throughout the control plane and peripheral bridges • AES-128/192/256 encryption and decryption support • SHA-1, SHA-224, ...
Features: ▪ Side channel attack prevention ▪ Encryption of memory traffic ▪ RSA PKC 2048-bit CMAC based boot support ▪ Support for multiple security domains throughout the control plane and peripheral bridges ▪ AES-128/192/256 encryption and decryption support ▪ SHA-1, SHA-224, ...
All we will do here is to decrease the attack surface as much as possible. Basic permissions We’ll create the user “qemu_vga” with a disabled password (s.t. you have to use “su”/”sudo” as an admin) for the purpose of running QEMU: sudo adduser --disabled-password qemu_vga...
Yes Zero day end point malware detection Zero-day threats & APT attack detection on Yes endpoints, servers and mobile devices. Dextro's API uses deep learning systems to analyze and categorize videos in real-time. Object and scene detection, Machine transcription for audio Motion and movement ...