i figure it is not actually drawing that much "which is why i put "claiming" in the title" as it would probably explode lol. But i think that the GPU thinks its receiving that and downclocking itself. therefore i cant get it to go higher. Reactions: spacejunk Upvote 0 Downvote S...
If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in theAdobe Photoshop community. We'd love to hear from you! Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Share this page Link copied Was this page helpful? Yes, thanksNot really ...
Informative and fancy output: show more information than nvidia-smi with colorized fancy box drawing. Monitor mode: can run as a resource monitor, rather than print the results only once. bar charts and history graphs process sorting process filtering send signals to processes with a keystroke ...
Performance improvements to sensor graph drawing Fix for French translation Changes for v0.7.7 -v0.7.8 GPU-Z window can be resized while sensor tab is active Fixed incorrect readings on GeForce Tesla cards Added support for AMD Radeon R9 295X2, R9 M275, HD 7500G, FirePro W9000 ...
GPU Drawing Mode: Basic; Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920; Display Bounds: top=339, left=-1600, bottom=1239, right=0Start sniffer 2021-06-08 14:20:12C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2021\sniffer.exe -app=Photoshop -verbose=1 -comment=Photoshop Version: ...
I am suspecting the 65W charger initially provided with the laptop is not powerfull enough. Is it safe to use larger 90W capacity HP charger with this laptop? I think the NVIDIA MX250 GPU is drawing a lot of power during the GPU task. Is it possible to...
See the GDC 2019 presentation from Epic for more details: Refactoring the Mesh Drawing Pipeline for Unreal Engine 4.22 | GDC 2019 | Unreal Engine Furthermore, UE’s Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) system can replace several static meshes with a single mesh at a distance, to help reduce ...
The odd-even merge sort maintains the sort-while-drawing property, but the last pass of each stage performs a merge of the odd and the even items. This is not a good access pattern for the packing we have done. For this sorting algorithm, it thus does not make sense to combine t...
After this, the fragment can optionally test and modify what is known as the stencil buffer, which stores an integer value per pixel. The stencil buffer was originally intended to allow programmers to mask off certain pixels (for example, to restrict drawing to a cockpit's ...
least 6 times. average is probably 90c. pubg typically runs an average of 85c with highs of 92c. both these games are not run on full ultra settings. most unimportant game graphics are turned down to low. i also run on a cooling table with duel fans drawing power from the lapto...