同时利用温度来控制boost频率浮动,主要是弥补GPU BOOST 1.0中,GPU核心在为未达到功耗上限时,boost频率不断提升,此时核心温度很可能已经承受不了,GPU BOOST 2.0可以保证GPU核心温度工作在正常范围内,防止温度失控而风扇转速也达到上限,你总不想一边玩着游戏,一边听着显卡风扇快速起飞的噪音吧? GPU BOOST 3.0 在去年的...
GPU Boost continuously monitors power and temperatures, helping your GPU use every bit of performance without exceeding safety or comfort limits.
在解除频率与电压之间线性关系后,一对一可调整之后,绿色虚线更加贴近了NVIDIA所设置的隐形上限,从而达到更加高的boost频率,因此Pascal显卡之所以有这么高的运行频率,这个和GPU BOOST 3.0应用不无关系。 GPU Boost 4.0改进的地方在于,增加了用户手动调整GPU Boost曲线的能力。原本这个GPU Boost对于玩家来说是隐形的,集成...
NVIDIA下一代桌面版显卡现在还遥遥无期,但是在昨天晚上NVIDIA就很低调的发布了中低端的移动版GT 700M系列显卡,型号分别为GT 750M、GT 745M、GT 740M、GT 735M、GT 730M、GT 720M和710M。 这次NVIDIA并没有在官网上公布各款显卡的具体规格,以往NVIDIA会在官网上告诉你GPU里有多少个流处理器、核心频率和纹理填充...
View the latest GeForce graphics card technology including PhysX, 3D Vision, CUDA, SLI, and more. Increase your GPU power with NVIDIA technology.
Nvidia introduced the fourth iteration of GPU Boost called GPU Boost 4.0 that allowed the users to manually adjust the algorithms that GPU Boost uses should they see fit. This was not possible with GPU Boost 3.0 since these algorithms were locked inside the drivers. GPU Boost 4.0 on the other...
GPU Boost 3.0加速 无论GPU Boost 1.0还是GPU Boost 2.0,GPU频率增加的步进都是固定的(之前做过测试,大约是13MHz一个GPU Offset),而在GTX 1080显卡上,NVIDIA又带来了GPU Boost 3.0技术,它的一个关键改变就是Offset频率不再固定,每个电压点都有对应的频率Offset,这样做的一个好处就是GPU实际加速频率可以更接近理...
In a nutshell, GPU Boost is turbo for the GPU. With GPU Boost NVIDIA is able to increase the core clock of GTX beyond its 1006MHz base clock, and like turbo on CPUs this is based on the power load, the GPU temperature, and the overall quality of the GPU. Given the right workload...
NVIDIA GPU BOOST超频 正由于GPU Boost技术的加入,所以GPU频率首次细分为:GPU Clock与Boost Clock。GPU Clock是GPU的核心基本频率,也就是厂商在出厂时的预设频率。例如索泰GTX670至尊版的预设频率为1110MHz。 ▲游戏中的Boost Clock频率为1228MHz 而Boost Clock则是代表经过GPU Boost动态提速后的频率,因为频率是根据实...
Download GPU-Z GPU-Z is used all over the world Main Features Supports NVIDIA, AMD, ATI and Intel graphics devices Displays adapter, GPU and display information Displays overclock, default clocks and 3D/boost clocks (if available) Detailed reporting on memory subsystem: memory size, type, speed...